NeuralSync™: Brainwaves Affect Mental and Physical States

As previously discussed, there are five major categories of brainwaves: GAMMA, BETA, ALPHA, THETA and DELTA. Neuroscience has been studying the influence of brainwaves for decades and has categorized how each category impacts the brain’s functions, including mood and body chemistry. Brainwave frequencies influence your mind and impact your body through the creation of neurochemicals and everything that you experience is regulated by your brainwaves and your body’s interpretation of them.

When GAMMA (+40 Hz) brainwaves dominate, the brain is involved in high levels of information processing and integrative thinking. Gamma waves are the only brainwaves found in every area of the brain and it is hypothesized that Gamma activity is the means through which simultaneous communication between multiple areas of the brain is achieved and research has linked Gamma states with sudden bursts of insight. Efficient Gamma activity is associated with good memory and peak performance, whereas a deficiency has been connected with learning disabilities. Importantly, Gamma waves stimulate the release of Beta endorphin, which is responsible for pain relief (it has approximately 80 times the analgesic potency of morphine), a sense of well-being and relaxation in the body.



  • Whole-brain Activity
  • “Superlearning”
  • Sudden Insight
  • Production of Beta-endorphin


When BETA (13-40 Hz) brainwaves dominate, the brain is in analytical thinking mode, the normal state of daily waking consciousness. Beta waves are active on both sides of the brain and are most evident in the frontal lobes, where decisions are initiated. They may be absent or reduced in areas of brain damage. The Beta state is necessary for functioning in everyday life, as it allows mental organization and reaction to daily stimuli, but higher Beta brainwaves may produce neurochemicals that translate into anxiety and stress.



  • Cognition
  • Focus
  • Stress/Anxiety/Fight-or-Flight Response (at higher levels)

When ALPHA (8-12.9 Hz) brainwaves are dominant, the brain is in a relaxed, yet aware, state – alert, but not actively processing information. Alpha waves are present in the occipital lobe and in the cortex and frontal cortex of the brain, and research has associated Alpha activity with improved problem solving abilities and increased mental creativity. Significantly, Alpha brainwaves are linked with increased production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to feelings of contentment and pleasure.



  • Relaxation
  • Increased Creativity
  • Production of Seratonin

When THETA (4-7.9 Hz) brainwaves dominate, the brain is in deep meditative state or light sleep, including REM dreaming. Theta waves are responsible for hypnagogic states as well as reductions in body rhythms, such as heart rate and breathing. Theta reflects activity from the limbic system and hippocampus region inside the temporal lobe and is associated with access to the subconscious, healing and reduction in stress. Importantly, research has shown that Theta waves are associated with the production of catecholamines, which prepare the body for physical activity and are vital for learning and memory.



  • Stress Reduction
  • Deep Meditation
  • Production of Catecholamines


When DELTA (0.2-3.9 Hz) brainwaves are dominant, the brain is in deep, dreamless sleep and the body is in hibernation. Delta waves are associated with the unconscious mind. Research has linked Delta activity with deep healing and regeneration and certain frequencies have been shown to trigger the body’s healing and growth mechanisms. Significantly, production of HGH (human growth hormone), which is vital for cell regeneration and the immune system is stimulated by Delta activity.



  • Accelerated Physical Healing
  • Immune Support
  • Anti-Aging


The natural tendency of the brain is to produce a combination of brainwave activity in all of the above categories. It is possible, however, to influence the brain to produce frequencies with the greatest desired effects, such as generating human growth hormone or reducing stress. This is achieved through the science of brainwave entrainment and is the foundation of NeuralSync’s™ revolutionary technology.