Begin your journey with these five sample NeuralSync™ recordings.
ANXIETY RELIEF: Frequencies to help eliminate anxiety based on theories from Dr.Royal Rife’s research, along with Schumann Resonance and Delta waves for deep relaxation. Integrated with a soundscape of a crackling fire. 10 minutes.
ALIGNMENT: Embedded with frequencies in Delta that encourage profound relaxation and feelings of tranquility, cultivates a sense of belonging with the
Earth Resonance and Heart Chakra frequencies and also opens mental awareness to the Astral Realm. Integrated with a soundscape of a summer waterfall. 20 minutes.
BLESSED: Enter Samadhi consciousness and activate Kundalini energy. Subliminals for personal success and Ho’oponopono clearing, along with Rife frequencies for regeneration & healing complete the audio. Integrated with a soundscape of falling rain. 15 minutes.
INNER JOURNEY: Delta, Theta and 432 Hz Healing frequencies are combined in dual layering with those for Tri-thalamic entrainment, Unity with All and Shamanic Journeying. Integrated with a soundscape of a garden with wind chimes and flowing water. 20 minutes.
SOOTHING RELAXATION: Embedded with frequencies that soothe anger and irritability, stimulate sensations of relief, heal past trauma and induce Theta waves. Integrated with a soundscape of ocean waves or a distant thunderstorm. 15 minutes.
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